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Cradley, Storridge & Mathon
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At the Cradley Village Hall’s AGM the Chair, Jeff White, unveiled a plaque
in tribute to the Hall’s original Trustees, who were instrumental in
rescuing the 16th century building and transforming it to its current
Pictured (left to right) John Edgar, Tony Madsen, Jeff White, Jerry Thomas.
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The 2024 Cradley Summer Fete was once more held in the field beside Queenswood, with parking
in theadjacent field at Church Stile Farm. Considering the summer we have had so far the weather
was kind,with only a hint of rain in the wind around 9.30and gradually clearing to amixture of
sunshineand showers by early afternoon.
Carole and her team worked hard to deliver another hugely entertaining dog show, with the rival
Mini-Waggers Junior Dog Show also drawing a good number of contestants.
Thanks to the generosity of the Cradley and Storridge Parish Council, wristbands for the bouncy
castle and bungee eliminator were on offer at a very competitive price and the attractions proved
very popular with the younger ttendees.
With music from OneAchord, Kate & Andrew and Shepherd’s Purse, entertainment from Cradley School and
Belly Fusion, demonstrations by the Great Malvern School of Taekwondo, and the Malvern Martial Arts
Association, there was something for everyone.
Hot drinks and draught beer were on offer, as well as a hog roast and street food from Sri-Licious.Shop-o-
holics had a good variety of stalls to frequent and the plate-smashing was as much in demandas ever.
The Fete Committee would like to thank everyone who helped, beforehand, on the day or afterwards, and
everyone who supported us. There are too many people to name individually, but the event would not have
taken place without a small army of volunteers working cheerfully and willingly on the many tasks needed
throughout. Particular thanks go to Mrs P Diplock for the use of her field for the fete and to Mr and Mrs R
Stoddard for their field for parking.
The fete is too big a commitment for a village as small as Cradley to put on every year, but if you enjoyed this
year’s fete and would like to make the Fete in 2026 an even better event please get in touch. However small a
contribution you can offer, it all makes a difference. As a volunteer once said to me ‘You can think you’re
enjoying an event, but it’s when you give an hour of your time that you realise that the event somehow becomes even better’.
to submit your report
& pictures
Jan Dampney