The free online magazine for news and views from
Cradley, Storridge & Mathon Herefordshire
copyright cradley village hall 2024
Write an article, send a picture or video ,make a
comment or suggest a topic
This is a community online magazine and is open to whoever in the community wants to contribute to it. It is not here to churn out the safe
establishment viewpoint though accommodation will be made for their inclusion if they so wish to.
We will have a very light editorial touch but within the requirement of the law. We will not judge comments or points of view as contrary to
sometimes entrenched traditions but look upon them as a basis for open debate and discussion.
For it to be a truly community magazine we want to ensure that there is no one in the community of the three villages covered is
ever “afraid” to put forward their viewpoint or opinion
You may have an expertise or just a “from life” story to share. You can even do it under an anonymous guise or your nom de plume
Come on get writing you don’t have to be a Shakespeare, there’s nothing on the telly!
Submit an article,photo,video or make a comment